Friday, September 28, 2012

I Had a Great Idea

hippie circle

We don´t have a meeting time yet, since we´re waiting for people who are interested to let us know, and mainly because we´re all worried about our schedules.

Please post the time you are available to meet, this will surely speed up the process for us to get in accordance with each other.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Philosophy Club is taking shape!

So far there are about ten "members" confirmed. We need to set a meeting time that will fit all of our schedules, including people who are not in the Eastern Philosophy class.
Anyone interested is welcome.
We are in the process of getting recognized by the school, so we will have our own room to meet and certain supplies. We are looking for a President a Vice president and a Treasurer.

There used to be a Philosphy Club before, but as I was told, the people who were in it all graduated.
That means that this is a completely new thing for us to build.
So join and share ideas, post something if you are interested.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Starting Philosophy Club

Hello, this is Rodrigo, as we talked about in class, I suggested creating a blog for our soon to be Philosophy Club.
I am sure we are all excited about this.

Christian, Johnathan, Herlan and I were talking a bit after class and have a rough idea of how we would like to move through topics.
We were thinking about progressing about on subjects, rather than on author, which I think is great.
This is actually the way Intro to Philosophy is taught.

So anyway,  Hopefully you guys like this little space.

I was thinking about some interesting intro questions.

What is philosophy to you?
Where do you see philosophy in daily life?
Where do you NOT see philosophy in daily life?